Chris Benard

Chris Benard is a software developer in the Dallas area specializing in payments processing, medical claims processing, and Windows/Web services.

  • The Crocodile Hunter Is Dead

    Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter, with a CrocodileAccording to this CNN article, Steve Irwin, better known as the “Crocodile Hunter”, is dead at age 44.

    Australian media reports say Irwin was diving in waters off Port Douglas, north of Cairns, when the incident happened on Monday morning.

    Irwin was killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest, according to Cairns police sources. Irwin was filming an underwater documentary at the time.

    That sucks that he won’t ever be on TV again. I enjoyed doing his accent. Now, I’ll probably just be depressed when I do it. Stupid stringrays.

  • I’m Sitting In A FEMA Trailer

    I came down to Metairie, Louisiana for the New Oreleans Secular Humanist Association. In case you’re not familiar with it, here is an article on Humanism. Dell Brennan, one of the founding members of the Shreveport Atheists to which I belong, was coming down here to the meeting and also to her daughter’s husband’s 50th birthday.

    We ate at Louie’s Cafe in Baton Rouge on the way, thanks to MapPoint 2006 and a Holux GM-210 receiver. I really love Louie’s Cafe. If you’re ever going to be in Baton Rouge, please eat there, a lot.

    I was going to stay with my friend Mike in Baton Rouge, but he had a family emergency and that fell through. However, I was able to fall back on staying in this FEMA trailer. The trailer is in the yard of the daughter’s house, and they would be living in it so their house could be demolished and rebuilt, but FEMA hasn’t given the family an appropriately sized trailer. She is disabled and the doors are too narrow in this one. Good old FEMA. They’re pretty bad at managing federal emergencies.

    However, in Metairie, they have EV-DO aka. Power Vision service on Sprint, so I have pretty fast internet access here. Here is a link to the pictures that I’ve uploaded to my Flickr. Check them out if you want to see what a FEMA trailer looks like from the inside and outside or if you want to see Jesus and I together.

    For what the FEMA trailer is, and this is one of the better FEMA trailers, it’s actually pretty nice. It has a queen sized bed in a bedroom not much larger than the mattress, four bunkbeds in the back, and a full kitchen (stove, refrigerator, freezer, sink), bathroom with a tiny shower, cable hookups for TVs, a sofa, and a little table at which I’m typing this. It seats four.

    I have this trailer to myself tonight, and it’s like a really small apartment. The air conditioner is extremely loud when it turns on, and it turns on without notice. You will be sitting there and then get totally startled when it turns on. The bathroom is really small. That will be interesting tomorrow morning. When I went through the door to the bedroom for the first time, I hit my head. I think the doorways are 6′ and I’m 6’3″. However, I was able to find a nice techno/dance station on the radio here. I listened to it for quite awhile.

    Right now, while writing this, I’m watching The Colbert Report on my notebook. I downloaded several episodes to my notebook before leaving, along with The Daily Show. If there are errors due to me watching that, please comment and I’ll fix them. I just wanted to get a post out there before I get too lazy to do it.

  • Asians Tried To Kill Me Today

    OK, that title might have been slighly inflammatory. They probably weren’t trying to kill me, but they sure did almost do it with MSG. Today, in a rare break from my normal tradition of not eating out for lunch, I went out to eat with my previous coworker John Morrow and friend Seth Gholson who also now works at Highland Clinic.

    We all met at Imperial Cathay, a Chinese restaraunt, and I got the sweet and sour pork (#13). As a side note, in case you don’t know, when you go to Imperial Cathay for lunch, you just order the number of the item you want, not the name. That way you won’t look like a n00b. Chris Leon and John also got that. I don’t know what the other people got, since it was a group of six, but when Chris and I got back to the office, we were about to die going up the stairs and collapsed into our chairs.

    I felt more sleepy than I’ve ever felt in my life, including when pulling an all-nighter for school. Not only that, but I had what I believe to be a headache. I’m not sure if that’s what it was, since I can’t recall having a headache before, but I felt as though I was about to die. Not only that, but I had an exceedingly rapid pulse rate. Chris similarly was tired and completely exhausted. When I looked at my computer, Seth had contacted me and told me that he was feeling the same way.

    Chris and I remain convinced that there was an attempted homicide commited at Imperial Cathay today. The victims: Chris, Seth, and I. The weapon: Monosodium Glutamate. I don’t think I’m going back there for quite a while. I got a lot of food and it was extremely tasty and extremely filling. I just don’t want to feel that way for a long time.

  • Shreveport Mayoral Forum Review

    Tonight, I attended a Shreveport Mayoral forum with most of the candidates for the Shreveport mayoral race. It was hosted by the Political Action Council for Equality, a group that supports and attempts to extend rights for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender people. One of the officers and “focus group facilitators” is one of my previous teachers for whom I have immense respect, Adrienne Critcher. She also sponsors our school‘s Gay Straight Alliance, of which I am a member. I’m really proud to be a part of the organization. It was the least I could do to show up to show solidarity for the mayoral forum.

    That mayoral panel was informative and largely hilarious due to the crazy people. I’ll cover those first. For reference in the following, I’m an atheist who supports Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender rights. I support rights for everyone, actually. My impressions are below.

    Crazy Ones

    Vernon Adams
    This guy is absolutely nuts. He brought his bible and spouted off about the lord Jesus on every single reply and ended by saying that in heaven he wanted to be on somebody’s football team. He then left because he said he had to get to somebody’s retirement party or something. He was laughed at by almost everyone. Not to mention that he said he wouldn’t hire gay people unless they knew the lord Jesus. As far as I could tell, Vernon never really answered a question. Picture the oldest, most crotchety man in the world literally thumping a bible. I was able to hold it back until the football team quote. Then I lost it. He also said that being gay was a choice.

    Madjun Ali (No website that I can find)
    I don’t know if he’s doing this because he lost a bet or because he’s doing it on a bet or if he thinks it’s a big joke. He’s definitely funny though. If I recall correctly, he said he is 29, and admittedly he has no experience to qualify him for the job. On top of that, he showed up late because he couldn’t find the place. On every response, he made most of the audience laugh including me. I don’t know if this was on purpose (in accordance with the “big joke” comment earlier), but he was definitely funny. A memorable comment was that he didn’t care who you got it on with. Madjun tried to answer questions, but he was so immature and not very well spoken. He seemed sincere and didn’t seem to hold any prejudices, but his lack of diplomacy (I can’t think of another word) left everyone laughing. I remember when he said it didn’t matter whether you’re as “straight as an arrow” or “crooked as an X”.

    Henry Hodge-Bey (No website that I can find)
    This guy was #3 on the laugh scale. Every comment he had was about being the best we could be. He never really answered a question either. I don’t have much to say about this guy, but he definitely isn’t a real candidate in my opinion. He invoked religion a lot too. “I thank God I’m here today”. “God didn’t make two men the same way; we all have something we’re better at than any other man every ‘made’”.

    Not Crazy Ones

    Cedric the Entertainer
    He’s not really Cedric the Entertainer. He’s really Cedric B. Glover. But he is black and really large just like Cedric the Entertainer, so that’s with whom I immediately associated him. Sorry for the initial conclusions. His messages seemed to be, for the most part, directly on point. He did say he considers himself a minister and that he can’t leave his faith at home. There was nothing more said about that, but he said faith wouldn’t impact his hiring decisions. He didn’t seem to exhibit any real prejudices. I thought he was very personable and someone for whom I might possibly vote.

    Jerry Jones (Beware of Flash, not a real site)
    You’ve probably seen his signs everywhere. He’s the bald guy, or the white guy, or the male republican, or the charismatic one. Any of those could uniquely describe him in this race. I have a feeling he’ll win the Republican primary and go on to win the Mayoral race. I’m more than likely not voting for him, but I have a feeling he might win, and he is a candidate for whom I might possibly vote. He too said he doesn’t leave his faith at home, but that it makes him a better person. He didn’t seem overtly religious, but just regularly religious. He seemed to be straightforward with the fact that he didn’t care what color, sex, creed (or hopefully lack thereof), or sexual orientation that you are when considering applicants for appointed decisions. He was the only one that was straightforward with his position on same-sex marriage. I’ll cover that at the bottom with the others’ positions. Here’s a spoiler: You won’t like his position. However, he was the only really honest one with that question. He said he had some plan for the deficit but didn’t say what it was.

    Ed Bradley
    This is the same Ed Bradley of KSLA. He does frequent short speeches on that channel about issues in the Shreveport-Bossier City area. He has always cracked me up since I’ve been little with those because he employs the William Shatner style of delays in the middle of his sentences after every three syllables. I was thinking this was going to be another example of this. I was wrong. He is very well spoken when giving pseudo-impromptu speeches (a list of questions to be asked was given at the beginning, so there was limited time to prepare a response). With one exception that was shared by all but one candidate, he gave on-point answers for every question. He was the only candidate that always started off his 2 minute speech with a direct answer to the question that had been asked by the moderator. I would definitely consider voting for him, even though I didn’t think this would be the case before tonight.

    Arlena Acree
    She seemed to be pretty down to earth. Out of the two women running, I’d definitely vote for her over Liz Swaine. I’ve had a personal experience with Liz Swaine that makes me dislike her on which I’ll be willing to go more in depth at a later date. However, I don’t like Mayor Hightower’s fiscal policies and Liz is following directly in his footsteps. We don’t need another Hightower. Liz didn’t even show up for this panel due to a “previous commitment”. I don’t know if that commitment was not ever talking to people concerned with GLBT rights.

    I started a new paragraph this time because that first one was just complaining about Liz Swaine. I made sure to not ambiguously use “she” in that paragraph. Arlena was well-spoken and claimed to have ways to deal with the budget deficit, but didn’t really say what those were. She didn’t seem to be overtly religious, but said that faith wouldn’t play a role in hiring. She said she was definitely against discrimination. Also, her daughter April is extremely attractive. She was sitting a few seats away from me. Arlena definitely wins the hot daughter award. I would consider voting for her, but not because of the daughter, unless the daughter will be publicly visible. 🙂

    Wilson McMullan (No website that I can find)
    Poor kid. He looked like he was about 12 years old. He didn’t get off work until really late so he only got to make a closing statement. He hated that buses didn’t run past midnight. That really seemed to piss him off. He was wearing a “Vote for Pedro” shirt, which is strange because his name doesn’t translate to Pedro in Spanish. What do I know though? I was wearing an “Oh, NOOOOO!!!” shirt.

    Same-Sex Marriage

    What did these candidates think that P.A.C.E. was? Vernon said gay people need to find Jesus because Jesus and his bible told him to. None of the candidates even voted on the same-sex state constitutional ban except Jerry. None of them had a firm position except Jerry. Arlena said she wanted to remain “neutral” on the issue. How in the world can you be neutral about civil rights? You’re either for or against them, not somewhere in between. To reiterate, they said (and they might be lying) that they didn’t even vote for or against the amendment. Your future elected officials don’t vote on important issues like this? I highly doubt that. If it’s true, then it is a sad city in which we live.

    In case you’re still on the edge of your seat, Jerry said that he opposes same-sex marriage and that he voted for the amendment banning it. In case you’re wondering about me, I voted against it. The vast majority of Louisiana disagreed with me. Cedric the Entertainer was actually in the state house of representatives that put it before the state for a vote and he said that he supports “civil unions” but of course wouldn’t come down on the real issue either way. This was after saying he wouldn’t “tap dance around the issue” like the others. He got an ovation for that, and then proceeded to do a nice little tap dance number.


    I will most likely be voting for Ed Bradley, Arlena Acree, or Cedric the Entertainer. Even though Jerry was a straight shooter on the issue of gay marriage, he hit the wrong target. However, if you want to laugh until you realize the reality, vote for Vernon.

    I don’t even know who will be left after the primaries, but those are my opinions if the election was going to be held tomorrow between these candidates (and Liz Swaine… I don’t like her).

    Please feel free to link freely to this for other people who want to know how the forum went. That is, if you’re interested in my opinions of the panel.

    Disclaimer: The “quotes” are quotes as far as they go in my mind. They may be slightly off, but the meaning is the same. The quotes are there to denote they are things that they said, but not necessarily the exact words. For the most part, they are exact. Feel free to correct me on anything. These are all my opinions and not necessarily the opinions of anyone else.

  • I’m Caffeine Free

    Well, I’ve been caffeine free for about four and a half days. I had Diet Coke at Chick-fil-A when Chris and I went there before seeing Clerks II on Friday. To get off topic for a second, that movie was great. Go see it ASAP, unless you’re easily offended that is.

    I’ve been wanting to quit drinking caffeine for quite a while now, but never quite had the impetus to go ahead and commit to really having it again. It’s a huge thing, when you’re used to drinking lots of Diet Coke every single day. My laziness has finally become my friend in battle. I was out of Diet Cokes when I got home after midnight on Saturday morning, and I was way too tired to go to Walgreen’s or CVS to get some more. I figured I’d just get some on Saturday, but I never got around to doing that because I stayed home all weekend. I just was too lazy to get ready and get dressed and drive somewhere to get my addictive drinks.

    People say they get headaches and stuff when they quit. I don’t know what’s up with that. I am drinking a lot of water though. I mean like a LOT of water. I drink a lot of water at work during the day. It’s pretty much a habit at this point, and maybe that helps stave off the headaches. I think I have more willpower than a lot of people. As you know if you know me, I just decided to stop eating less about 1.5 years ago and I went from 270 lbs (122.5 kg) to 180lbs (81.6 kg). I’m willing myself to make this work.

    I don’t even really know why I’m quitting. I’m not advocating the stance that moderate consumption of caffeine is a health risk if you are an otherwise healthy individual. I think it’s really a combination of things. I really don’t like having a metal can subconsciously dictate to me what and when I will drink from it. Also, I spend a LOT of money carbonated beverages, so perhaps I’ll save money, but probably not because I spent it all on Kool-Aid last night (more on that later). Perhaps it’s just a sense of accomplishment I’m seeking. If I can stay off caffeine, I’ve gotten the monkey of physical, chemical dependency off of my back.

    I’ve been drinking a lot of water like I said, but water is bland. That’s more than likely a good thing and an indicator that there are no potent pollutants in the Shreveport water supply, at least none that I can taste. However, that’s pretty boring when that’s all you drink, so I went to Wal*Mart and bought a pitcher, a few little portable drinking containers, Kool-Aid (Fruit Punch Flavor), Crystal Light (Pink Lemonade), and some other Crystal Light type brand that had some other flavor; I don’t care enough to go and see what it was.

    If you have any good fruity type flavors to recommend to me, please leave it in the comments. I’m willing to try any number of things to stay off caffeine.

    Also, yes I know other things, like tea and chocolate, contain caffeine. I don’t drink Tea (yet), and I damn sure am not giving up my chocolate, so I’m not saying I can avoid all caffeine in my life, but I am saying I’ve quit drinking the comparatively massive amounts of it cold turkey since Friday night, and I plan to keep it that way. Wish me luck!… as if that could do any good.

  • I Love My New Job

    If you read my blog or know me, you know I quit my job at Highland Clinic about a week ago. I also mentioned the CareerBuilder post they had up to replace me. I linked to a saved version of the post in case they changed it. They did change it. The new version (locally saved copy) is just a help desk position. In other words, the position is for someone who just answers the phone, tries to solve basic problems, and escalates problems to other staff members via the ticketing system.

    This is pretty strange, because this means one of two things. One possible decision was that they no longer need someone who can do everything I was doing, which is highly unlikely considering the unsuccessful interviews already conducted. This leaves only one logical conclusion in light of the two open positions on the career page; they are going to replace me with multiple people. I must admit that I get a pretty big kick out of that.

    In any case, I’m loving my new job as a programmer at New Tech Computer Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morris & Dickson. I’m a C# programmer, and Chris and I are currently redoing the Morris & Dickson website. The resultant code will be used as the basis for future web projects. It’s a lot of work, but it’s a lot of fun. Check the site in a few weeks when it will have quite a different look.

    It’s good to be able to make money doing what I actually like to do. I’ve been programming since elementary school on a variety of systems and languages. I program projects for myself and other in my spare time, so getting paid to do it isn’t very much of a stretch. As you might be able to tell from my first blog post, I have never voluntarily worked on a weekend at any company, with the exception of yesterday. Chris and I really wanted to complete what we were doing on Friday, so we came in from about 12:30pm to 6:30pm on Saturday to finish refactoring some middle tier code. Next up, I’ll be working on some of the non-programmatic presentation layer so that we can begin work on the web forms part of the site.

    It’s very strange because the day seems to fly by extremely quickly, while at the same time, it feels like I haven’t worked for Highland Clinic in years. It’s amazing how easy it is for a new to absorb my attention so quickly and entirely when it is something that I love doing.

    On an unrelated subject, I just completed my Fine Arts 140 class and got a 95%, an A. I’m about to start my Finance 301 class next week, <sarcasm>which should be loads of fun</sarcasm>. At least my fall semester should be fun. I’ll be taking Computer Science 315, 345, 460, and 480.

  • I Quit My Job

    Today was my last day at Highland Clinic. It was not unexpected, and if you know me well, you knew about it already. I gave only two weeks notice because I didn’t know whether or not they would flip out and fire me immediately, and I wanted to at least be able to have my vacation money to hold me over between jobs. Keeping a secret like that from lots of people for more than a month is quite difficult, and unfortunately I told one person who doesn’t know how to keep a secret.

    I don’t regret leaving. I left for a number of reasons, both personal and professional. The lack of office supplies is pretty pedantic to even be talking about, but I did bring it up in my exit interview. As an employee who has worked there loyally for three years, I think I deserved my own stapler, tape dispenser, and scissors. My boss felt differently about it. It boils down to money not getting spent where it needs to be spent… in my opinion, of course. I have a limited viewpoint, that of the IT infrastructure and its effect on the business as a whole. The office supplies are merely an analog to talk about larger problems.

    The environment I worked in wasn’t very conducive to working. I had to sit in a room with a bunch of other people who didn’t perform the same job as me. I liked them, but it did make concentrating on my job harder, and I’m fairly certain it had a similar effect on them. The phone was constantly ringing, because my job duties entailed that of a lowly support person (sorry if you do support like I recently did), a programmer (all the intranet applications programming), network support (both LAN and NOS tasks), and anything else “specified by the IT Manager”. Many things were specified by the IT Manager. If you’d like to replace me, see the CareerBuilder post (mirrored here for when it’s deactivated or filled).

    Although I’ve been dissatisfied for awhile, I felt unable to voice my opinions for fear of being fired, as I felt was the case with other employees. I was able to land an excellent job doing what I love to do, programming. It’s a new language and I’ve been practicing it, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’ll be working for Morris & Dickson, and more specifically their New Tech Computer Systems.

    I’ve visited the facilities and my office and desk specifically. I feel it will be a much better environment, and a place where I can put my skills to dedicated use in the most productive manner possible. I think I’ll be able to get a lot of satisfaction out of seeing lots of people using something that I’ve written, or at something to which I’ve contributed code. I saw that at Highland Clinic on a small scale, but many more people are affected by Morris & Dickson applications.

    My last day was great, though. I kept pretty busy and worked through lunch and left around 3:50pm. I had a pest control appointment at 4, and I was a little late. A lot of people brought a ton of food for a party for my last day, my boss’ birthday, and Kelli’s birthday. Ashley made me pasta salad, which was great as usual, and surprisingly I enjoyed John’s wife’s chip dip a lot too. I don’t normally like guacamole based things, but Sharon’s dip was exceptional. My exit interview lasted a long time. The HR person listened to everything I had to say, but seemed more interested in defending Highland Clinic against my criticisms, rather than just listening to my concerns. I’m not saying she didn’t listen. I’m just saying I think it would be more appropriate to be less defensive, especially if the person is leaving.

    All my old contact methods remain except my old work MSN which few people knew anyway. I have no hard feelings toward Highland Clinic, but I’m not sorry I’m leaving. I’m incredibly excited about my new job, and I start at New Tech on Monday. I’ll try to blog about it before the first week is over. No promises, though.

    (Disclaimer: None of the text in this post or comments on it represent the opinions of my current or past employers. None of the postings on this site do, but I felt it expressly needed to point out that none of these things should be taken for fact or used for any official purpose. These are my opinions and perceptions.)

  • MySpace Flash Virus Spreading like Wildfire

    I posted the following as a bulletin on MySpace, but I figured it might be best to post here too (for the good of Google). More people need to know about this. Also, here’s a link to my MySpace.

    Several important things before the explanation:
    1) I didn’t post the “Fuck all ya’ll niggas” post
    2) I didn’t post the “Get free laptops” or whatever post
    3) If you viewed the former, you should look at the bulletins “you’ve posted”

    If you actually know me, you probably know I didn’t post either. It appears what happened is that there is a flash “virus” going around via bulletins.

    Normally stupid people are fooled into clicking on “surveys” or whatever like “Do you think Bush is a good leader?” In actuality when you click on those, it is posting back to a form on MySpace’s servers. Since the people who made those forms are too stupid to verify the referrer, that tricks people into having bulletins posted as them. I was actually laughing about this phenomenon with people at lunch on the Friday before last.

    However, I specifically remember looking at Chele‘s “18 and older pics” bulletin that I now realize she probably didn’t actually post. I use Firefox and the Adblock Plus extension, so I see an Adblock tab on all flash applets. One showed and I specifically remember clicking on it and seeing an offsite, invisible flash applet that was titled bob.swf.

    It didn’t do anything, so I figured it was a failed slideshow or something she tried to post. Apparently that must have “infected” me. When flash runs inside the browser, it runs inside the context of the currently logged on user… in this case, me. It also has all the rights and privileges of the logged on user, including posting of bulletins. Since it can read the current url, it can also get the “token” and cookies that are used to identify a user on MySpace.

    So, while I was looking at a page that was seemingly doing nothing, there was a Flash applet posting as me on myspace. So now I have no idea what has been sent because it could have just as easily deleted messages from my outbox after sending them.

    Again, this is not my fault, since I just viewed a bulletin, but I thought it might be advisable to anyone using Firefox and Adblock to block: http://*/bob.swf

    That file name can (and probably will change), but myspace needs to stop flash from loading in bulletins or actually implement some kind of captcha or something for posting.

    If you aren’t technical enough to understand all of what I just posted, you’re probably one of the people who posts bulletins unknowingly because you want a “friends tracker” or something, so it’s not like it changes your life anyway. This is an interesting attack vector, though.

    So, if you use Internet Explorer, you’re screwed. You’re going to be posting bulletins that you don’t want to post. If you use Firefox, do what I’m about to do and install the Flashblock extension. It requires you to click on a flash animation to start it. This will prevent the automatic infections (unless you click on it).

    I hope this helps someone else.


    I hope that clears some things up and I hope that it helps some other people as well who may be less technically inclined. Much to my chagrin, many things have been going out as me, including racist posts, thanks to a combination of MySpace insecurity and Macromedia Flash.

  • Netgear Routers Die from Overheating

    Netgear routers really suck. They get really hot and then just stop functioning until you turn them off and let them cool down. This affects the wireless and not the wired portion usually. I’m only using a WRT614 router as an 802.11g access point, but it’s been totally unstable. I found out that I am not alone. Almost everyone who gets one of these has it start overheating at some point.

    So, I went ahead and modded my router by slapping a fan on top, cutting holes, affixing screws and nuts, and soldering the fan power to the internal power input. It isn’t the best looking thing in the world, but it seems to be completely stable now. Check out the pictures over on my Flickr photostream.

    Router Mod

    PS – Sorry for the blurry picture quality. I’ll probably redo these at some point. I just snapped these in low light early this AM when I got home from a friend’s apartment (where I did the drilling and soldering).

    PPS – Yes, I’m a huge nerd.

  • Chancellor’s List Letter Annoyances

    2006 Chancellor's List Letter2006 Chancellor’s List Letter
    (Click to enlarge)
    I know I mentioned I got a 4.0 this semester and I was on the Chancellor’s List again, but I actually got the letter from LSU-S today. Vincent Marsala, the Chancellor, was even kind enough to not actually sign them. That’s was pretty lame. How hard could it be for him to sign the 4.0 student’s letters?

    I guess they thought they’d fool me with a cursive font. That change of font on that part of the page really makes me feel special. If you’re not even going to use an Autopen, why even bother. At least that way I’d feel like you spent some money on me indirectly since you can’t spare any of your time.

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