The Law of Circle K Registers

The Law of Circle K Registers

Circle K LineCircle K always has way more employees working at any given time than the number of registers open. I believe they pride themselves on how long they can back the line up at the register. There were four employees there today, including the manager. I took the picture at the right today! I complained to him and asked him to open another register. He said it was shift change time and that they had to keep one register closed. The only problem with this is that it is always shift change time.

Chris Leon and I go often for ICEE time, and at different times of the work day, but we’ve always run into this, and we came up with The Law of Circle K Registers:

  1. Let n = number of Circle K employees on the clock
  2. Let r = number of Circle K registers open
  3. n >= 2r + 1

It’s really annoying, and I wish there was a Valero near my work.

Author: Chris Benard

Chris Benard is a software developer in the Dallas area specializing in payments processing, medical claims processing, and Windows/Web services.
